My Story
Quite early in my life I was living the life so many people wish for.
A steady well-payed job in IT of a big car manufacturer in Munich, Germany. Everything seemed great from the outside, but I was feeling lost on the inside. It just wasn't me.
No purpose, no fulfilling work and struggling to find out what really was my reason for being here on earth.
After 6 Years of working there (which was like 30 percent of my whole life) I knew that something had to change.
I started to follow my intuition and signed up for a nutrition coaching training.
Reason for that was my idea of opening a vegan restaurant.
Taking an unpaid leave from work, I travelled to Amsterdam to get more experience in the field of gastronomy.
While I was there I met two coaches who opened my eyes to the fact that this was the thing I was looking for the whole time. The calling that has been inside me forever.
I have always been interested in the way our mind and body works. Basically how this whole experience we call life comes to be. So I learned more and more about spirituality, nutrition and fitness. A further certification as "Greator Coach", learning powerful coaching methods, completed the circle.
Today I am living a fulfilled life, traveling around the world while being able to help people to find their inner calling & strength through resolving old belief systems and patterns paired with clear focus to manifest the life of their dreams. Because now I know it´s possible; I've seen it happen in my own and many other peoples lives.
I finally found my purpose:
To support you to find your inner strength, do the needed shadow work and
become your greatest version. I want to see as many people as possible living their true purpose.